Plasma Art / Piranha Rainforest Habitat

Plasma Art / Piranha Rainforest Habitat


Introduce your HDTV to this fierce freshwater experience! Enjoy your own Rainforest Habitat with these ferocious Piranhas filmed in true High Definition 1080p, with relaxing classical music and vibrant tropical music, in addition to natural audio tracks in HD audio. Both under water and above water life pulsating rain forest milieus included. With the Tropical Storm audio track the total rainforest experience is guaranteed. Straight out of the Amazon as the Red-bellied Piranha featured in this unique production will dramatically enhance your surroundings without it stripping your screen clean in a matter of minutes. The Piranha has a reputation as a fearless fish who hunts its prey in intimidating packs of feeding frenzy. Get ready to enjoy this omnivorous little rascal preying in your immediate proximity. - Classical music - Lounge music - Ambience

169.00 kr

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