Springsteen Bruce: Western stars
Western Stars är den storslagna filmversionen av Bruce Springsteens globalt framgångsrika album med samma namn. Springsteens mångåriga medarbetare Thom Zimny har regisserat filmen tillsammans med Springsteen själv, vilket gör detta till ""Bossens"" regidebut. I flmen Western Stars kan man se och höra Bruce Springsteen framföra albumets samtliga 13 låtar, uppbackad av ett band och en orkester, under det katedrallika taket i Springsteens nästan 100 år gamla lada i Colts Neck, New Jersey. Western Stars är skrivet och framfört av Bruce Springsteen med Patti Scialfa som speciell gäst. Bruce Springsteen co-directs this concert film in which he performs his 2019 album "'Western Stars"' in front of a small audience at his home in Colts Neck, New Jersey. Bruce Springsteen brings his latest studio album, Western Stars, to life in this cinematic experience, performing each of its 13 songs with a full band and orchestra under the cathedral ceiling of his historic, nearly 100-year-old barn. Western Stars marks Springsteen"'s directorial debut, together with frequent collaborator Thom Zimny, and provides a `window into the personal and creative world of this great American artist. Blurring the line between concert documentary and Springsteen memoir, the film blends the artist"'s own archival footage with breathtaking scenes of the American West to complete this story of love and loss, isolation, family, and the eternal search for the open road.
59.00 kr