Artemandoline: Italian Baroque Mandolin Sonatas
The baroque ensemble Artemandoline under the direction of Juan Carlos Munoz received fantastic reviews for their two previous DHM recordings with the soprano Nuria Rial: ""The recordings enchant with their ingenuity, refinement and above all with their engaging melodies - and one that is inspired and rousing Orchestra."" (Toccata) For their new instrumental album, the musicians have unearthed real discoveries of Italian baroque composition: The ensemble is presenting world premiere recordings of forgotten masterpieces that were written for mandolin and basso continuo in Florence and Rome in the 18th century. These rarities were found in sheet music libraries in Washington and Milan, but also in Germany, in Münster. The works are by the Florentine composers Ranieri Capponi (1680-1744) and Niccolò Susier (1679-1766), the composers Nicola Romaldi (1680-1740) and Francesco Piccone (1685-1745), who worked in Rome, and the northern Italian composer Niccolò Susier ( 18th century). All works have a tremendous depth of expression and melodious charm - music full of energy, beauty and virtuosity.
179.00 kr