Rilkeensemblen: Rilkeensemblen & Eriksson Gunnar
The Rilke Ensemble is a choir based in Gothenburg. Here personal and expressive solo voices come together and each individual voice is equally important and can be heard. Caprice Records has produced a characteristic album with the Rilke Ensemble in which their well-known conductor Gunnar Eriksson"'s extensive contact network in the Nordic sphere puts its stamp on the contents. Also rendered here is Gunnar Eriksson"'s seeking after a genuine expression and an existential relationship to the texts. With the courage not to yield to what is difficult or complicated, he creates, together with the Rilke Ensemble, a unique musical style. On this album we can listen to works by Bo Nilsson, Bezalel Aloni, Sven-Erik Bäck, Per Nørgård, Karl Erik Welin, Eskil Hemberg, Fredrik Österling, Alfred Janson, Erland von Koch, Claude Loyola Allgén, Nina Åkerblom Nielsen, Allan Pettersson and Karin Rehnqvist. During the years that have elapsed since the start in 1980, the Rilke Ensemble and Gunnar Eriksson have made many recordings and the numerous concert tours have brought the ensemble all over Sweden, Europe and to the USA. In 2004 the Rilke Ensemble and Gunnar Eriksson received Concert Sweden"'s and FöreningsSparbanken"'s distinction ""Choir of the Year"".
99.00 kr