


Only two things would improve Gary Irvine"'s life children and a lower golf handicap. Both are unlikely: Gary"'s wife Pauline is planning to leave him for a self-made carpet millionaire, and unfortunately Gary is an appalling golfer. Meanwhile, in the murky depths of the criminal underclass, Garys luckless brother Lee has botched up too many drug deals, and local crime overlord Ranta Campbell understands the PR value of a certain kind of violence to keep people in line. He gives Lee one more job, one last chance to get it right... Then Gary gets smashed on the head by a golf ball and knocked into a coma. He wakes to find that the neurological trauma hes suffered has resulted in some pretty radical side effects among them an absolutely perfect golf swing. Their stories converge as the two brothers stumble into uncharted territory Lee towards murder and Gary teeing it up in the Open Championship...

177.00 kr

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