Branco Cristina: Abril 2007

Branco Cristina: Abril 2007


På albumet ""Abril"" sjunger Cristina Branco låtar av den portugisiske sångaren, kompositören, poeten, författaren och medborgarrättskämpen José Afonso även kallad Zeka. Det handlar som alltid när det gäller Cristina Branco om innerliga och djupt personliga tolkningar av materialet. Cristina skriver: ""Without sentimentality or roundabout explanations, just as José Afonso was. Zeka, our Zeka. Because he´s inside our idea of rebelliousness, just as he is inside our record players and the friendships that are sung. Zeka was - and will always be - a model of simplicity and of commitment (even when he´d say that he didn´t really like to sing!). This is what he was like - the friend of my adolescence, the friend of my singing and of my personal journey. We´re not offering new revelations. Instead, a chance to remember. See you later my friend! Cristina Branco

189.00 kr

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