JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Season 1 (disc 3) (import)
All 26 episodes from the first season of the Japanese anime adapted from the manga series by Hirohiko Araki. Set in the 19th and 20th centuries, the story follows the battle between two young men, Jonathan Joestar (voice of Kazuyuki Okitsu) and Dio Brando (Takehito Koyasu), an orphan who plans to take over the Joestar family, turning into a powerful vampire in the process by donning a mysterious mask. The episodes are: Dio the Invader A Letter from the Past Youth With Dio Overdrive The Dark Knights Tomorrows Courage Sorrowful Successor Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio The Final Hamon! New Yorks JoJo The Game Master The Pillar Man JoJo Vs the Ultimate Lifeform Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times A Heros Proof Lisa Lisa Hamon Coach The Deeper Plan Von Stroheims Revenge A Race Towards the Brink Young Caesar A Hundred Against Two A True Warrior The Warrior of Wind The Ties That Bind JoJo The Birth of a Superbeing!! The Ascendant One
119.00 kr