Cinestill Cs6 ''Creative Slide'' DynamicChrome Kit (E-6), Cinestill
Gunnar Olssons Foto
Produktbeskrivning på engelska: Introducing the Cs6 DynamicChrome Kit — a simplified 3-bath dynamic E-6 kit for processing up to 16 rolls of color reversal film at home. Slide film is ageless. For years, photographers have loaded it into their cameras and created memories that can be viewed as positive images on strips of film or mounted and projected in all their glory. In 2017 Kodak revived the iconic Ektachrome E100 slide film, reigniting the passion for positive. The Cs6 "Creative Slide" 3-Bath Process makes complicated chemistry simplified alchemy! The number of processing baths for E-6 film is reduced from 6 to 3. This new kit contains everything you need to get started with the Cs6 "Creative Slide" 3-Bath Process a 1st Developer, a Color&Reversal bath, and a Bleaches&Fixer bath. Kit Includes -1x D9 “DynamicChrome” 1st Developer (1000mL stock solution for up to 16 Rolls) -1x Cr6 “Color&Reversal” 2-in-1 Reusable Slide Solution (1 Quart for 16+ Rolls) -1x Bf6 “Bleaches&Fixer” 3-in-1 Reusable Slide Solution (1 Quart for 24+ Rolls) Features -For processing any color reversal/chrome/slide (E-6) film -Simple 3-bath process with 3 distinct 1st developer choices for changing the color profile of your slides -Easy to mix 1st Developer concentrate makes 1 liter of stock solution (2 liters of working solution) and can process up to 16 rolls or 100ft of slide film -Color&Reversal and Bleaches&Fixer liquid concentrates mix easily with water to make 1000ml of reusable solution, capable of processing 16+ and 24+ rolls of film, respectively -Full color instruction manual included (standard processing, push/pull, etc.) D9 "DynamicChrome" is the world’s most flexible 1st developer for slide film, rendering approximately 9+ stops of usable dynamic range*, compared to approximately 6 stops with conventional E-6 processing (or D6 "DaylightChrome 1st Developer) while maintaining vibrant color-contrast and rich warm-tones with preserved highlight and shadow detail (optimized for scanning) for a more cinematic look. The photographer has the choice between 3 dilutions dilute 1+1 with water for warm-tone slides with 2+ stops of extended dynamic range, or for further preserved highlight detail and a more neutral color balance dilute 1+2 or 1+3. D9 is perfect for high contrast scenes and is optimized for scanning. 1000ml stock solution makes 2000ml of single-use working solution (1+1 Dilution) to develop up to 16 rolls or 100ft of slide film. Warm-Tone Development: 1+1 Dilution ~ 9 min. 15 sec. at 104°f (40°C) Extended Highlight Latitude: 1+2 Dilution ~ 11 min. at 104°f (40°C) Pull -1 (overexposed film): 1+3 Dilution ~ 13 min at 104°f (40°C) For push processing we recommend our D6 or T6 1st Developers. Cr6 “Color&Reversal” Color Developer & Reversal Bath With the Cs6 process, the reversal step occurs during color development in our Cr6 “Color&Reversal” bath, which comes in a liquid concentrate to make a 1 quart of reusable solution capable of reversing 16+ rolls of developed slide film. Stock > 6min @ 80 -104°F (27-40°C). Bf6 “Bleaches&Fixer” Pre-Bleach & Blix Bath With the Cs6 process, the bleach and conditioner steps are combined with the fixing step in our Bf6 “Bleaches&Fixer” bath, which comes in a liquid concentrate to make 1 quart of reusable solution capable of clearing 24+ rolls of slide film. Stock > 6-10min @ 75 -104°F (23-40°C). * ”Usable dynamic range” is the amount of full stops of exposure value that renders acceptable detail and color. “Total dynamic range” however, is the maximum range containing tonal separation rendering any detail, and is often twice the usable dynamic-range. The usable dynamic range of conventional slide film is between 6-8 stops (total 14-16 stops). Color negative is between 9-13 stops (total 16-21 stops). Digital sensors are mostly between 7-10 stops (total 12-15 stops).
590.00 kr