Goebel Reinhard: Beethoven"'s World
Vol. 5 of the highly praised project presents Beethoven"'s early violin concerto which has only been handed down in fragments and rarely recorded, unknown concertos for solo instruments by Wranitzky and Vorisek and a world premiere recording of Reicha"'s concerto for horn. All of the recordings of Reinhard Goebel"'s project ""Beethoven"'s World"" have received great attention and excellent reviews worldwide. ""If the discovery of Beethoven contemporaries, which Goebel has just signed up for the Beethoven Year, continues in this way, it will be a fine year"". (Welt am Sonntag). ""This recording (...) sets new standards."" (Deutschlandfunk). ""An outstanding contribution to the Beethoven Year Once again, Reinhard Goebel"'s Beethoven Project impressively proves that there was more to hear in Vienna at the time than Mozart piano concertos and Beethoven symphonies."" (NDR Kultur) are only a few of the excellent reviews. With the fifth album of the series, Goebel concludes his outstanding musical foray into the Vienna of the early 19th century - and once again with rarities from Beethoven and his contemporaries: He recorded with the Munich Radio Orchestra the first movement of an early violin concerto by Beethoven which has only been handed down in fragments. He also recorded concertos and concert pieces by Anton Wranitzky (1761-1821) and Jan Václav Vorísek (1791-1821). In addition, the album presents the world premiere recording of a concert piece for horn and orchestra by Beethoven"'s childhood friend Antonín Reicha (1770-1836). The recordings were made with excellent soloists: The renowned interpreters Nils Mönkemeyer (viola), Yaara Tal (piano) as well as Sarah Christian (violin), Teresa Schwamm (viola) and Christoph Eß (horn.)
179.00 kr