Wagner: Die Walküre (Gergiev)

Wagner: Die Walküre (Gergiev)


Nina Stemme Anja Kampe Jonas Kaufmann René Pape Mikhail Petrenko Mariinsky Orchestra / Valery Gergiev The Mariinsky label presents its most ambitious project to date and one of the most eagerly awaited musical events in a long time: the first release of Valery Gergiev conducting Wagner"'s epic Ring Cycle, "'Die Walküre"'. Recorded in the sumptuous acoustic of the Mariinsky Concert Hall, the cycle will feature a sensational cast, helping create the most finely crafted Ring cycle of modern times. "'Die Walküre"' was recorded during sessions and performances in 2011 and 2012 and stars Anja Kampe, Jonas Kaufmann, René Pape, Nina Stemme, Mikhail Petrenko and Ekaterina Gubanova. It will be followed in September 2013 by "'Das Rheingold"', with "'Siegfried"' and "'Götterdämmerung"' completing the cycle in 2014. The Mariinsky Theatre has close connections with Wagner and his music, since the composer conducted at the theatre and was even offered the post of Music Director. It is also believed to be the first place where any of the music from the Ring was performed.

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