
Al Pitcher - Big in Sweden
Big In Sweden is an award winning stand up comedy road movie where comedian Al Pitcher finds out what it really means to be Big in Sweden. Over the last decade New Zealander, Al Pitcher has become one of Sweden"'s best loved stand up comedians. Sold out shows, television appearances and an army of fans. Al Pitcher is BIG IN SWEDEN. Join Al on his quest to find out what being BIG IN SWEDEN really means! Travel through the beauty of Sweden and be amazed by Giant Potatoes, Enormous Coathangers and Gigantic Cheese Slicers! This is a journey of discovery, an insight into how a comedian finds the funny, and an affectionate tribute to the less well known side of Sweden, Al Pitcher"'s adoptive country. Al Pitcher may be a star in Sweden, but will he ever be as big as the Mj lby potato or the Edsbyn Bandy stick? Big In Sweden won the Audience Award for Best Feature at the International Road Movie Festival 2019.
49.00 kr 99.00 kr