Far Cry Primal
"" DJURDUELLER o En kraftfull noshörningsande vågar utmana din styrka. Slåss mot den och dess gjord på förrädiska klippor för att hävda din dominans. "" DEN FÅNGADE JÄTTEN o Blodtörstiga jägare har fångat din ledare. Förstör deras läger och led jättemammuten till frihet. "" JAGA JÄGAREN o Nu är det tid att hämnas. Led din hjord för att krossa dem som hotar er överlevnad. Den prisbelönta Far Cry-serien som har stormat tropikerna och Himalaya ger sig nu in i mänsklighetens första kamp för överlevnad i detta innovativa öppenvärlds-sandlådespel, och förenar enorma djur, häpnadsväckande miljöer och oberäkneliga, barbariska möten. Välkommen till stenåldern, en tid av extrem fara och gränslösa äventyr, när enorma mammutar och sabeltandstigrar härskade jorden, och mänskligheten var längst ned på näringskedjan. Som den sista överlevaren av din jaktgrupp kommer du lära dig tillverka en dödlig arsenal, stöta bort grymma rovdjur och överlista fientliga stammar för att erövra landet Oros och bli toppkonsument. The award-winning Far Cry franchise that has stormed the tropics and the Himalayas now enters the original fight for humanity"'ssurvival with its innovative open-world sandbox gameplay, bringing together massive beasts, breathtaking environments, and unpredictable savage encounters. Welcome to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth, and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators, and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator.Key Features FROM PREY TO PREDATOR You will play as Takkar, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of your group. You have one goal: survival in a world where you aretheprey. Grow your tribe and hone your skills to lead your people. Encounter a cast of memorable characters who can help push backthe dangers of the wild. Face enemy tribes who will do anything to eradicate you and your allies. Defeat predators and humansalikeand rise to become the apex predator. THIS IS FAR CRY"'S STONE AGE This isn"'t the Stone Age as you know it. This is the Stone Age with irreverence and mayhem. This is Far Cry"'s Stone Age. Stalk enemy outposts and plan your attack using weapons and tools crafted from the bones of beasts you"'ve killed. Master the element of fire to expand your tactical options, setting your weaponon fireor scaring predators at night. Land the killing blow on the prey you"'ve hunted across the plains. But beware, its scent may attract predatorswilling to fight you for the prize. The rich setting of the Stone Age only multiplies the amount of deadly weapons, dangerous threats, and incredible stories that Far Cry is known for. A WORLD RULED BY GIANT BEASTS After the last Ice Age, the glaciers retreated to leave behind a land blooming with nature and resources where humans and animals alike can thriv e- provided they have what it takes to prove their dominance. Discover the majestic and savage land of Oroswith its breathtaking valley of redwood forests, harsh taiga, and humid swamps where you can see Earth as it was before man laid claim to it. Oros teems with life from large herds of deer and vicious packs of dire-wolves to warring enemy tribes. It is ruled by megafauna such as sabretoothtigers and woolly mammoths,giant animals that dominated the Earth in the Stone Age and were feared by every other living being.
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