Green Day: The studio albums 1990-2009 (Ltd)
With a career spanning over 20 years and a band that sounds as fresh as ever, this box tells the Green Day story from their first two independent albums - 1990"'s 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours and Kerplunk two years later, to being catapulted out of the East Bay"'s underground punk scene with 1994"'s 15 million-selling, Grammy-winning Dookie. Officially one of the world"'s biggest bands, more international chart success followed with subsequent albums Insomniac, Nimrod and Warning. 2004 saw the band unleash the game-changing American Idiot, picking up seven Grammy nominations in the process. Five years later came 21st Century Breakdown, hitting the #1 spot in over 15 countries around the world.
279.00 kr