Parton Dolly: Pure & simple 2016
Ett nytt studioalbum + en bonusdisc med Dolly-hits! Album 1 innehåller 10 låtar med två bonusspår och album 2 innehåller tio hits ur Dollys katalog såsom ""9 to 5"", ""Coat of Many Colors"" och ""Jolene"". Om sitt nya album säger Dolly Parton: ""I may not be pure, but I"'m as simple as they come! This new Pure & Simple project is really special to me because I"'m taking my fans back to my roots. I feel like these songs have a pure, tender side and we didn"'t go overboard with arrangements. I"'m so glad we"'ve teamed up with our friends at Sony to get this album out to the fans.""
179.00 kr