Snetberger Ferenc/Jormin/Baron: Titok 2017
Hungarian guitarist Ferenc Snétberger leads a trio with Swedish bassist Anders Jormin and US drummer Joey Baron in this warm and involving recording, produced by Manfred Eicher in Oslo, and intensely melodic improvisation draws the listener gently into its sound-world. The gracefully flowing guitar (Snétberger has a way of making even complex phrases seem effortless), the enveloping rhythmic undertow, and the highly creative playing from all participants captivate throughout Titok. There is soloistic brilliance here and high-level interplay, and the music takes the time it needs to unfold, breathing very naturally. The compound sound of the trio, with Ferenc"'s acoustic nylon-string guitar partnered by bass and drums, is special. Joey Baron shades and colours the music with great subtlety using brushes, sticks and hands, and the rapport between Snétberger and Jormin is evident from the outset, as both guitar and bass explore the contours of Ferenc"'s compositions. ""The dialogue here between classical guitar and Anders"'s way of playing the bass seems to me unique,"" observes Ferenc Snétberger. ""Anders has a special "'voicing"', a special way of entering into my music. And, together, he and Joey offer inspirations which are mirrored in my playing. Manfred"'s participation was also inspiring - without his ideas, and his choice of pieces and the sequencing of them, the album could not have existed in this form.""
189.00 kr