Thirty Winecellars - The Art Of Ageing And Appreciating Wine
A most comprehensive guide to ageing and appreciating wine This tour de force is intended for readers who want to build and equip their own wine cellar. People who already have a cellar will also find sage advice and handy tips. Even those with a general interest in wine will find much useful information. Johan Magnusson generously shares his knowledge of the ageing characteristics of wines, wine assessment, wine as an investment and not least how to fit out a wine cellar. The reader is also taken on an exclusive tour of 30 Swedish wine cellars in words and pictures from chateaux to apartments. The owners of the cellars describe their interest in wine, priorities for setting up their cellars, and plans for the future, alongside hundreds of sumptuous photographs and illustrations. A few topics Wine tasting Wine characteristics Aged wines and food Wine cellar design, environment, and equipment Bottle ageing Importance of bottle size Classic wines for cellaring Investing in wine Wine auction market Assessing an aged wine About the author Johan Magnusson is a well-known wine expert, certified by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce as an appraiser of wine and distilled wines. He runs the wine cellaring business Magnusson Fine Wine in Stockholm and appears regularly on TV and radio.
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