Adox C-Tec C-41 Negativ Kit Rapid for 12-16 films, Adox
Gunnar Olssons Foto
Color Negative C-41 chemistry (2-bath) for a handheld tank or rotary process consisiting of the color developer, bleachfix and stabilizer for proper development of all CN films desigend for the C-41 process. The kit yields very fast developing times. It can be mixed easily because all parts are unified to 200ml bottles and each part makes 1 Liter of working solution. So if you want to mix the developer for example you simply mix Part, 1, 2 and 3 in a jug and fill to one Liter. Partial mixings are possible. You can use any given temperature above 24°C as long as you maintain it constant over the development time (water bath). Decreasing temperatures can be mathematically compensated. Kit to make 1.000ml to develop 12-16 films. Se instruktioner här (PDF) .
490.00 kr