CineStill D9 DynamicChrome 1st Developer Powder (Del 1 av 3) , CineStill
Gunnar Olssons Foto
Produktbeskrivning på engelska: Extended exposure latitude increases the usable dynamic-range* of slide film from 6 to 9+ STOPS! Conventional E-6 processing renders approximately 6 stops of usable dynamic-range*. Maintains vibrant color-contrast and rich warm-tones with preserved highlight and shadow detail (optimized for scanning) for a more cinematic look. Perfect for high contrast lighting or backlit subjects in daylight, shade or with electronic flash. Top: E100 Underexposed -1 Stop. Bottom: E100 Overexposed +1 Stop. For color-timing chrome, reversal, and E-6 compatible film. “DynamicChrome” dynamic-tonal-range 1st Developer. Single-use 1+1 dilution develops 8-16 rolls or 100ft of Slide Film. Intended to be used with the Cr6 "Color&Reversal" 2-in-1 Slide Solution and the Bf6 "Bleaches&Fixer" 3-in-1 Slide Solution. Cs6 "Creative Slide" 3-Bath Kits also available The Cs6 "Creative Slide" 3-Bath Process makes complicated chemistry simplified alchemy! The number of processing baths for E6 film is reduced from 6 to 3. The reversal step occurs during color development in a Color&Reversal bath, and the bleach and conditioner steps are combined with the fixing step in a Bleaches&Fixer bath. Color-timing is performed with alternative 1st Developers to achieve full creative control of your slides. Features: Extended exposure latitude for slightly warm-tones in daylight, shade or with electronic flash 1000ml stock solution makes 2000ml of working solution (diluted 1+1 with water) Single-use solution has a capacity of 8-16 rolls (135/120), 32-64 sheets (4x5), or 100 feet (35mm) of film Approximately 9+ stops of usable dynamic-range*! Preserved highlight and shadow detail with rich-tones for a more cinematic look Extended exposure latitude while maintaining vibrant color-contrast Optimized for scanning Natural color saturation Image archivability for at least 80 years Easily mixed powder concentrate Mixing stock solution: Place 600-700ml of water into a clean glass or plastic pitcher. Use a clean plastic stir stick or the TCS-1000 to circulate the liquid. While circulating, add the contents of the powder packet. Top off solution with water to make 1000ml. Mix well. Store mixed solution in a tightly capped, completely filled storage container for 2-6 weeks. Yellows with age and turns amber when perished. Oxygen and contaminants cause developing agents to perish. Warm-Tone Development: 1+1 Dilution ~ 9min @104°f (40°C) Extended Highlight Latitude: 1+2 Dilution ~ 10.5min. Pull -1 (overexposed film): 1+3 Dilution ~ 12min Push processing is not recommended with DynamicCrome Maintaining temperature is not essential beyond pouring in the 1st developer. When a temperature control bath is not available, simply preheat the 1st Developer +2ºF warmer, and the other baths will automatically process-to-completion as they cool down. Only the 1st developer is time and temperature critical because it controls contrast and color. * "Usable dynamic-range" is the amount of full stops of exposure value that renders acceptable detail and color. “Total dynamic-range” however, is the maximum range containing tonal separation rendering any detail, and is often twice the usable dynamic-range. The usable dynamic-range of conventional slide film is between 6-8 stops (total 14-16 stops). Color negative is between 9-13 stops (total 16-21 stops). Digital sensors are mostly between 7-10 stops (total 12-15 stops).
179.00 kr