Seagate IronWolf Pro NE 18TB
IronWolf is Way Ahead of the Pack Seagate understands your unique data storage challenges and crafted the IronWolf and IronWolf Pro 18 TB network attached storage (NAS) hard drives to help you achieve your goals. We continue to push capacity boundaries way ahead of our competition. Be Tough. Be Ready. For everything NAS, there"'s IronWolf and IronWolf Pro - always on, always working. Built for multi-user environments and high workload rates, these NAS hard drives are enhanced with AgileArray technology for optimal reliability and system scalability. Manage Drive Health IronWolf Health Management (IHM) improves overall system reliability by displaying actionable prevention, intervention, and recovery options. When IronWolf or IronWolf Pro hard drives are integrated into compatible NAS systems, the overall system reliability increases due to constant monitoring and user alerts. Protect Your Drive When you purchase and register an IronWolf Pro drive, a Rescue Recovery Data Plan is included for 3 years. You"'ll have access to a global team of world-class data recovery experts in case of unexpected data loss. Conventional Magnetic Recording Maintains Performance Multiple users can confidently upload and download data on a NAS system populated with IronWolf hard drives. IronWolf hard drives 4 TB and higher are equipped with RV sensors to maintain performance in multi-bay NAS enclosures. IronWolf Pro drives come standard with RV sensors built in for higher bay NAS. Built with conventional magnetic recording (CMR), IronWolf and IronWolf Pro drives deliver the consistent performance you need. Support Your Business IronWolf can handle the vibrations and high workload rates of a high-data network within a multi-bay NAS environment. Be Creative. Keep Growing. IronWolf and IronWolf Pro help keep you on schedule with 24×7 remote access, backup, and file sharing. Please note: For high workloads, collaborative environments use IronWolf Pro drives in Synology NAS
7 619.00 kr