No other gods (bok, danskt band, eng)
Some 1700 years ago, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman world. In part, it was a calculated move to create peace and unity in a fragmenting Empire. Are we seeing something similar in the 2020s? The world is shaking once more and the response from many religious leaders is to promote the idea that all faiths are simply different ways to the same God. To them, one world religion would be an effective tool for peace. But there's a problem: Jesus, the 'Way', stands in their way! So, to achieve their aims they must remodel Jesus as the founder of a religion, like all the others. Meanwhile, all around the world another movement is growing. - In China, a worker is standing with his hands raised, praying for his country. It’s 5 o’clock in the morning. - In North Africa, an imam is standing in a bathtub, tears running down his face – he has just been baptized to Christ. - In Cuba, a group of believers is meeting in the enormous, newly built “lounge room” of a house, because they are not allowed to build a church. This underground movement represents millions and has its roots in the Roman Empire. Outside the state church, a forbidden congregation emerged that was being faithful to the Name of Jesus. NO OTHER GODS is a revolutionary journey through eras, kingdoms and cultures in which we follow the struggle for the God-given identity of the Church and how it has been upheld or distorted throughout history. To understand this development, we need to go back to the beginning. REVIEWS “One of the best books I’ve read. A real eye-opener.” KG Larsson, pastor and theologian “A very factual, accurate, informative and well written book. Very interesting and revealing reading. It is certainly worthy of attention and of being referred to in the public debate.” Börje Norlén, Freelance Journalist “It’s very readable despite its extensive content. The thing that causes me most joy, is how at the same time as it exposes the darkness and its lies, it also sheds light on the genuine essence of the Church and what true revival Christianity is all about.” Kristofer Aspén, film maker “It was like reading a very exciting thriller. It’s well written, it states historical facts and has many source references. The author has done a work of great quality, having read and studied extensively, so that he has solid ground to stand on. I can understand that the research for this has taken some years. Throughout the book, Per-Arne Imsen points to Jesus.” Christer Åberg, Apg29, Sweden’s biggest Christian blog "With prophetic insight, the author carefully follows events in the world. He exposes and criticizes syncretism in all its forms and asserts the unique position of Christianity and Jesus as the only way to God. Imsen’s book is comprehensive and calls for contemp
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