Sweet Devotion av Daniel Álvarez
Söders Gourmet
Sweet Devotion av Daniel Álvarez från teamet bakom So goodPastry chef Daniel Álvarez presenterar " Sweet Devotion. A modern vision of artisan bakery". En bok som han har tagit fram tillsammans med teamet bakom So good magazine. Boken går igenom allt från puffade bakverk och briochedegar till panettone, millefeuille och croissanter.En receptbok där Daniel delar med sig av sina över 30 års erfarenheter. Med tips och tricks för att uppnå gastronomiskt extraordinära resultat varje gång.Författare: Daniel ÁlvarezAntal sidor: 256Mer än 60 steg för steg processerBilder: Mer än 600 bilderTyp: Inbunden bokSpråk: engelska / spanskaBeskrivning på Engelska:Pastry chef Daniel Álvarez presents “Sweet Devotion. A modern vision of artisan bakery “. The book, published by Grupo Vilbo, is presented as the great treatise of puffed pastries and brioche doughs. Thorough work that addresses the main national and European references duly updated under a prism of maximum commitment for quality. Acclaimed in the sector for the brilliance of his panettone, millefeuille, or croissant, the chef makes a special effort to share what is more than a masterful recipe book. The content provides the reader with the experience he has acquired over more than 30 years of service: tricks, tips and also a special sensitivity for obtaining gastronomically extraordinary results in each case.The content is distributed in 250 pages with their corresponding introductions and thematic blocks. The keys to achieving perfection in each great family (croissant, puff pastry brioche, puff pastry, brioche, panettone, kouglof ...) include graphics, step-by-step instructions, and many different formats.Flour, butter, yeast and a few more ingredients are needed to make most viennoiserie specialties. What makes them unique and special is precisely their treatment at every stage of the processing. The nobility of these products goes for example by a prominent use of butter, which demands an exhaustive control of the temperature of the dough at each stage of the process (kneading, rolling, fermentation ...). Family to family, product to product, Daniel Álvarez unveils the keys to achieving perfection and elevating the result to the dimension of a culinary jewel, destined to become the new object of desire of the main pastry shops of the country and the whole world.Not in vain, Daniel Alvarez combines his work at the head of Dalua (Elche, Spain) with an intense training schedule that takes him to workshops and training rooms from different places in Spanish geography and beyond. As a Relais Desserts member and ambassador of Cacao Barry, the book is published two languages, with color photos, hardcover binding, and the ambition to become a reference manual for anyone who wants to start or perfect their skills with this range of products. Born in Elche in 1969, Daniel comes from a family saga linked to pastry and bakery for several generations. His parents Daniel and Luisa are the ones who instilled in him a love for the trade and awakened his calling to it since he was very young. He owes Dalua to them, the pastry shop he has been running with his sisters since 1998 and which has evolved into a place of reference of the best Spanish pastry, a member of Relais Desserts since 2016. His passion for pastry led him to train in different workshops in France and Spain, as well as to participate in numerous elite competitions, including the European and American championship in 2000, when he was proclaimed winner. His innovative character and his ability with baked goods have led him to provide his services as a consultant and trainer on more and more occasions, being one of the ambassadors of the Cacao Barry brand in Spain.Author: Daniel Álvarez 256 pages More than 60 step-by-step process More than 600 photos Hardcover English / Spanish
590.00 kr