The Rap Quotes Coast to Coast (inbunden, eng)
Platsspecifika rap-citat i New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Atlanta och Houston.Med texter av Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, Andre 3000, Kanye West, Scarface och många fler. Sedan 2013 har konstnären Jay Shells rest mellan USAs storstäder och installerat sina citat. Än så länge har kampanjen nått New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Atlanta och Huston. The Rap Quotes Coast to Coast är både en konstbok och en guidebok som tar med oss på en annorlunda resa. Aymann Ismails foton ger kontext åt hiphop-texterna som pekar ut platser i städerna. Varje stad presenteras i ett kapitel som öppnas med tankar från en lokal hiphop-journalist och en karta där alla platsspecifika rap-citat är markerade, vilket ger läsaren möjlighet att göra sin egen hiphop-rundtur i staden och upptäcka platserna på egen hand. The Rap Quotes är ett pågående projekt och under de närmaste åren planerar Jay Shells ta det till Chicago, New Orleans, Miami och andra städer världen runt. Boken innehåller texter av journalisterna Ernest Baker, Cassie Owens, Jensen Karp, Maurice Garland och Lance Scott Walker.Sagt om The Rap Quotes: I remember getting a call that I was used for a Rap Quote. I was so amazed and honored to be included. It s so good to see the culture being embraced and spread around like this all across the world! Bun B That s a really dope one bro, all my Brooklyn n----s hitting me bout it. They love it. Prodigy Every time I write a lyric about my city, it s like a little love note. But never in a million years did I think that those words would be printed up and hand delivered. I was beyond stoked. And when he posted those same lyrics on the walls of my favorite art gallery in the city next to a bunch of other MC s I respect?! That was the icing on my vegan cupcake. Thanks Jay Shells. MursAt the time, Instagram was fairly new and s till mostly a photography app. I was running around historical locations in Queens taking pics for my account, when someone sent me a pic of the quote. I was like no way in hell. I drove to the location and took crazy pics. I was really proud to show everyone because South Jamaica is so influential to my career. Pharoahe Monch Felt real good hearing and seeing my lyrics used for Rap Quotes signs by Jay Shells. What made it most special is for the people in my hood to be proud for me to be rappin naming the corners we stood on and the people we lost. Thirstin Howl III My phone was blowing up the day my sign went up on the corner of the block I was raised on. My family was so proud. It meant and s till means a lot to me. I have a framed picture of it in my home. Tone TrumpI remember going back to my neighborhood to see the sign go up. It was a nostalgic moment to be standing next to the field where I played sports, behind the housing project building where I was raised
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