Tracking discourses : politics, identity and social change (inbunden, eng)
»Tracking Discourses is a useful collection for those new to CDA and DT approaches as it gives a detailed overview and examples throughout the study contributions. Additionally, for those already familiar with the theoretical approaches, this collection highlights the work being done in Scandinavia for the English-speaking world. True to its purpose, the book acts as a space for dialogue between CDA and DT and brings their use in the Swedish context to a wider audience.«Discourse & Society »The book offers a good chance to keep readers informed of how DT and CDA have been received and developed in Swedish academia Case studies in the volume are really inspiring the very first step is of great significance and I look forward to the furtherance of the dialogue in the near future.« Discourse Studies, University of Wellington Discourse Theory (DT) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) are theoretical traditions that have gained intense research interest in recent decades. Both are concerned with critical studies of politics, identity, and social change with a focus on issues of power and language, yet the dialogue between DT and CDA scholars has been negligible until only recently. In Tracking Discourses Politics, Identity and Social Change, twelve researchers explore the opportunities presented by an increased exchange of ideas between the two traditions. The authors examine what closer collaboration could offer, both theoretically and empirically, in an interdisciplinary context. The Scandinavian reception, development, and use of DT and CDA are presented for the first time in a concise way. The studies in Tracking Discourses are of pivotal interest to the practical application of theoretical concepts and the empirical analysis of specific discourses based on one or both of the analytical perspectives. The case studies presented are valuable sources for comparison with similar research undertaken in other countries and contexts. Contributors: Sara Carlbaum, Umeå University Annika Egan Sjölander, Umeå University Stephanie Faye Hendrick, Umeå University Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, Södertörn University Joakim Isaksson, Umeå University Anna Johansson, Umeå University Alon Lischinsky, Umeå University David Payne, University of Essex, UK Anna Sofia Lundgren, Umeå University Jonathan Ngeh, Umeå University Angelika Sjöstedt Landén, Umeå University & Mid Sweden University Mathias Sylwan, Umeå University & University of Gävle Svensk informtionstext: »Tracking Discourses är en utmärkt introduktion till aktuella forskningsteman Jag vill därför rekommendera den i synnerhet för studenter som skriver magister- eller kandidatuppsatser och vill få en överblick över bärande idéer inom diskursanalysen och dess praktiska tillämpningar.« Budkarlen Diskursteori och Kritisk diskursanalys är två teoretiska perspektiv som rönt stor uppmärksamhet de senaste decennierna. Båda traditionerna ägnar sig åt kritiska studier av politik
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