Lukas Moodysson Collection (Box+Bok/Ltd)
Collection of seven dramas from Swedish writer and director Lukas Moodysson. In "'F***ing Åmål"' (1998) schoolgirl Agnes (Rebecca Liljeberg) has a crush on her classmate Elin (Alexandra Dahlström). While Agnes is shy and withdrawn, Elin hangs out with the popular crowd at school, and the chance that she might reciprocate Agnes"' feelings seems remote. However, when a boring night in their small home town of Åmål throws the two of them together, they discover a mutual wish to escape their confines. After attempting to hitchhike to Stockholm, the two girls eventually kiss. Agnes is excited that Elin has finally noticed her, but will Elin be able to overcome her discomfort at the thought of loving another girl? "'Together"' (2000) is a culture-clash comedy set in 1975 and follows bourgeois mother of two Elisabeth (Lisa Lindgren), who has tired of her husband Rolf"'s abusive and drunken behaviour. She moves out with her two children to stay with her brother Goran (Gustav Hammarsten) who lives in a hippy commune. The move proves challenging to everyone in the commune as Elisabeth"'s materialistic lifestyle conflicts with the idealism of the other inhabitants. "'Lilya 4-Ever"' (2002) is a controversial drama about a young girl abandoned by her family. Living in the poverty-stricken former Soviet Union, Lilya (Oksana Akinshina) descends into a spiral of drink, drugs and prostitution, befriending suicidal teenagers and falling further into a dark and dangerous world. When she meets a man who promises to take her to a better life in Sweden, it"'s the beginning of an even more harrowing journey into degradation. "'A Hole in My Heart"' (2004) is Moodysson"'s critique of a morally bankrupt and materialistic society. Eric (Bjorn Almroth) and his father Rickard (Thorsten Flinck), live in a run-down apartment in a seedy Stockholm neighbourhood. Eric is shy and withdrawn, but becomes increasingly involved in his father"'s business of amateur pornography. With his friend Geko (Goran Marjanovic), Rickard begins shooting a home-made pornographic film with actress Tess (Sanna Bråding). As the shoot continues, the participants become less inhibited and more violent, until the apathetic Eric is forced to intervene. In the experimental "'Container"' (2006) Jena Malone voices a languid, stream-of-consciousness narrative over grainy black and white footage of a man carrying a woman on his back through a landscape full of rubbish. "'Mammoth"' (2009) follows successful couple Leo (Gael Garcia Bernal) and Ellen (Michelle Williams) who lead busy lives and have little time to spend with their young daughter, Jackie (Sophie Nyweide), who is cared for by her Filipino nanny, Gloria (Marife Necesito). When Leo goes to Thailand to do a business deal, Ellen becomes envious of Gloria because of her closeness to Jackie. However, Gloria"'s own children miss her and soon a tragedy sees her return to her home in Manila. Meanwhile, Leo becomes involved with a working mother while in Thailand, and his actions have a dramatic effect on all those involved. Finally, "'We Are the Best!"' (2013) explores the lives of three young girls in Sweden in 1982. Bobo (Mira Barkhammar), Klara (Mira Grosin) and Hedvig (Liv LeMoyne) are bored of the "'80s pop music that is sweeping the nation and decide to rebel and form a punk band. As the girls cut their hair, rip up their clothes and refuse to do their chores they attempt to convince their friends and families that punk is not dead.
795.00 kr